Bowen University Second Semester Exam Schedule 2023/2024

Bowen University Second Semester Exam Schedule 2023/2024
Bowen University Second Semester Exam Schedule 2023/2024

Bowen University has released the draft examination timetable for the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. Students are now able to access the schedule to organize their exam preparations efficiently.

πŸ“… Exams Start 28th May 2024
πŸ“… Exams End 30th May 2024
πŸ“„ Timetable Available Now
πŸ“ž Contact for Clashes Dr. Emuoyibofarhe – 0803 779 9290
πŸ–¨οΈ Print Timetable Yes, for reference
πŸ“š Study Plan Schedule around exam dates
❓ Clarifications Contact Instructors or Examinations Office
🏫 Exam Venue Bowen University

Accessing the Examination Timetable

You can download the examination timetable using the links provided below:

These links will direct you to the official Bowen University website, where you can find the detailed examination schedules.

Important Dates to Note

The second semester examinations for the New Horizon programme will commence onΒ Tuesday, 28th May 2024, and conclude onΒ Thursday, 30th May 2024. It’s crucial to review the timetable carefully and note the dates and times for your specific exams.

Resolving Exam Schedule Conflicts

In case of any conflicts arising from overlapping exams, it is imperative to promptly reach out to the appropriate authority for resolution. Contact the Examinations Office, your Head of Programme, or Programme Coordinator without delay. For immediate assistance, you can directly contact Dr. Emuoyibofarhe at 0803 779 9290.

Getting Ready for Your Examinations

To ensure you’re adequately prepared for the upcoming exams, we encourage you to:

  • Download and Print the Timetable: Keep a copy for your reference to avoid any last-minute confusion.
  • Plan Your Study Schedule: Organise your study time around the exam dates to ensure thorough preparation for each subject.
  • Seek Clarifications: If you have any doubts or need further information regarding the timetable, do not hesitate to speak with your instructors or visit the Examinations Office.

We extend our best wishes to you for success in your studies and upcoming examinations. Your commitment and diligence are certain to yield positive results.

Stay informed with the latest announcements and updates by frequently visiting the official website of Bowen University.