In this article we are going to find out if music has an effect on Students reading and if it is positive or negative?
Research has shown that Music has a powerful influence on human beings, with some being positive and others negative.
Some Positive and Negative Effects of Music.
Some of the positive effects of music on the human being may include;
memory boost, build task endurance, lighten your mood, reduce anxiety and depression, stave off fatigue, improve your response to pain, and help you work out more effectively.
Some negative effects may include;
Music can be distracting, addictive and can take hours of valuable time, wrong type of music can increase aggressive behavior.
Note: The positive and negative effects may be influenced by the kind or Genre of music you choose to listen to.
American songwriter Ani DiFranco says, “every tool is a weapon if you hold it right” or if you use it wrongly.
However the effects of listening to music while studying or reading is a question that needs to be answered by the students them selves.
In a recent survey conducted on random students, results show that 70% of students find listening to music while studying to be relaxing while 30% found it distracting.
Shedding more light, Some students may prefer to read in a quiet environment because they get easily distracted or just because they prefer it that way, Whereas other students prefer to have a background soothing sound or music that helps them relax or enables them retrain or understand what they read.
So music effects on students reading all boils down to personal preference and choices hence cannot be conditioned as a fact.
In conclusion, music as a tool for retentive memory or distraction when reading completely depends on how you choose to use it or allow it to influence you.